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10 Silly Workout Mistakes You Have Been Overlooking

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10 Silly Workout Mistakes You Have Been Overlookin

That may lead you to believe that you are putting all those efforts for nothing. This may eventually lead you to quit the gym. Achieving maximum output from your workout may require some fine tuning on your part. What you might have failed to consider is that you have been making some mistakes while working out.

Here are some common mistakes that people make while working out.

1. You have been training without a qualified trainer.

1. You have been training without a qualified trainer.

You don’t want to spend some extra bucks on a good trainer. You train like a rookie, just watch what others do and learn. This way you are going to probably end up injuring yourself at some time or the other. Muscle gaining, losing fat and staying fit is basic science. Unless you know how to approach it, you are not going to see any results. What you need is a good plan for your workout and diet, appropriate training depending upon your needs and guidance. A qualified trainer can help you with that.

2. You don’t maintain a workout diary.

2. You don't maintain a workout diary.

Planning is the first step to bodybuilding. You should have a plan chalked out in written form and in a proper manner in your diary. Whether your goal is to gain muscle or lose weight, you will have to push your limits. For instance, it’s hard to remember how many plates you put on the barbell last time you worked out or how many repetitions you have been taking while working out different body parts. A workout diary helps to keep your schedule organised.

3. You use your phone while working out.

3. You use your phone while working out.

This one habit may ruin your whole workout. If you want to stay fit or get in shape, you got to get serious about it. Warming up stimulates the blood flow in your body which is essential for building muscle and losing fat. The moment you get busy with your phone, your body cools down and work out loses all its purpose. Not only it puts your safety at risk but also leads to waste of energy and time.

4. You do multiple things at once.

4. You do multiple things at once.

You dream of the best possible body you can have and seek instant results. You start lifting heavy, compromising with the form, take extra carbs just because you want to stick to the diet plan of a fitness model you stumbled upon last week on the internet. You cannot do everything at once. Figure out your workout goals and seek guidance from your trainer. Supplements, diet, supersets seem like fancy terms, don’t lose your focus getting distracted by these things.

5. You focus more on supplements and less on food.

5. You focus more on supplements and less on food.

Most of your body is built in kitchen. That may not make sense to you but it’s true. You may try making up for your bad diet using supplements. If only supplements were to build muscles, every rich guy in your town would be a Hercules. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. You need basic nutrients like carbs, protein, good quality fat, minerals and vitamins to achieve your best self.

6. Setting unrealistic goals.

6. Setting unrealistic goals.

The moment you step in the gym you descry the pictures of bodybuilders all around and dream of having a body like them. It’s easy to daydream and set your expectations high. Of course, it’s necessary to have workout goals but they should be achievable. Keeping your hopes too high may make you give up early.

7. You change your workout plan too often.

7. You change your workout plan too often.

You get all excited about your training plan and start training accordingly. There are times when it does not give you any results or you just want a change. What can be a better option than changing your training plan? But changing it too often can disturb your body metabolism and won’t lead you anywhere.

8. You don’t have proper breakfast.

8. You don't have proper breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You either skip it or don’t include essential items in it. Being the first meal of your day, breakfast should be heavy and include all the crucial items required as per your body needs. If you cannot eat heavy initially, break it into two small meals to be consumed at short intervals in the morning.

9. Not drinking enough water.

9. Not drinking enough water.

Working out is going to make you rain inside out. Dehydration is the last thing you would want while working out. Dehydration causes muscle fatigue and dizziness. Keeping yourself hydrated not only helps in weight loss but also boosts your metabolism. There are many apps available on Google play store to track your water intake. I would recommend Water Tracker, it’s simple and easy to use.

10. Not taking proper rest.

10. Not taking proper rest.

You train yourself hard in the gym, burning all those calories and pushing your limits. You probably don’t notice it but your body might be craving rest due to muscle fatigue. When you work out, proper rest is essential. While you rest, body repairs your muscles and recharges for you for the next time you workout.

source : wittyfeed.com

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