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6 Fantastic Self-Help Techniques to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve to Reduce Inflammation, Fight Migraines, Anxiety, Depression, and More!

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6 Ways to Instantly Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve to Relieve Inflammation Depression Migraines and More

Namely, the stimulation of this nerve can lead to decreased inflammation, thus alleviating the symptoms of various inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis. The activation of this nerve that works through the parasympathetic nervous system can positively affect the immune system and inflammation.

In fact, the brain plays an important role in the regulation of inflammation throughout the body. So, in case you suffer from depression, high blood pressure, digestive problems, or any other inflammatory condition, then this article is for you.

What Is Actually the Vagus Nerve?

This nerve, also known as the rest and digest system, is the longest nerve in the human body that runs from the brain, travels down the neck and all the way down the lungs, heart, digestive system, pancreas, spleen, and liver. It is responsible for the proper function of parasympathetic nervous system.

What Is the Vagal Tone?

Vagal tone is actually an internal biological process that refers to the activity of the vagus nerve. In addition, it is responsible for activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Moreover, vagal tone is measured by tracking the heart rate alongside the breathing rate. The heart-rate accelerates a bit when your inhale, and slows down a bit when you exhale. If there is a greater difference between your exhalation and inhalation heart-rate, then you have higher vagal tone, meaning that your body has an ability to relax more quickly after stress.

Why Is Higher Vagal Tone So Important?

High vagal tone has been linked to a significant improvement in the function of various body systems. Specifically, it can lead to decreased blood pressure, improved blood sugar regulation, lowered risk of migraine attacks, enhanced digestion though improved production of stomach basic and digestive enzymes, and lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. That’s not all, it is also connected to greater stress resilience, improved mood, and reduced anxiety.

The vagus nerve can read the gut microbiome as well as stimulate a response to modulate inflammation depending on whether or not it identifies pathogenic vs. non-pathogenic organisms. Consequently, the gut microbiome has an effect on your stress levels, mood, and total inflammation.

Low Vagal Tone Has Been Linked to Many Health Issues

Low vagal tone has been connected to cognitive impairment, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of any inflammatory condition. Moreover, all autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroid conditions, endometriosis, lupus, etc. are considered inflammatory conditions.

Here Is How to Elevate Your Vagal Tone:

The stimulation of the vagus nerve refers to any technique or device, which induces the vagus nerve, such as electrical or manual stimulation.

Here are some techniques to elevate your vagal tone:

  1. Speaking: As a result of the fact that this nerve is linked to the vocal cords, speaking can increase your vagal tone.
  2. Humming: As this nerve is linked to the vocal cords, it can be stimulated by humming. For instance, you can repeat the sound ‘OM’ or hum a song.
  3. Slow, rhythmic, diaphragmatic breathing: If you breathe from your diaphragm, instead of shallowly from the top of your lungs, it can induce as well as tone your vagus nerve.
  4. Meditation: It is a well-known fact that meditation promotes a general sense of well-being. According to a 2010 study carried out by Bethany Kik and Barbara Fredrickson, elevating positive emotions resulted in increased social closeness, and increased vagal tone.
  5. Washing your face with cold water: You can also elevate your vagal tone by washing your face with cold water.
  6. Gut microbiome balance: Having enough beneficial bacteria in your gut creates a positive feedback loop via the vagus nerve, which increases its tone.

The above mentioned simple and basic practices can increase your vagal tone, thus reducing inflammation and improving your overall health. In case you suffer from any inflammatory condition, depression, high blood pressure, or digestive upset, consider using these methods to stimulate your vagus nerve.

Source: theheartysoul.com


  • Schachter, Steven. ˮVagus Nerve Stimulationˮ;
  • Rosenbery, Stanley. ˮAccessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autismˮ;
  • Bell, Taunjah. ˮVagus Nerve Stimulation and Anxietyˮ;

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