7 Tips to Help You Avoid a Soggy Pie Crust

When you asked us for ways to avoid a soggy pie crust, we knew it was no simple answer.


7 Tips to Help You Avoid a Soggy Pie Crust NINERecipes

Moisture in the air and liquid content of the filling are all variables to consider when you’re trying to protect the crunch of your crust. With these 7 simple tips, you too can fight the liquid demons.[/tps_header]

[tps_title]1. Use less water[/tps_title]

Use the liquid amount as a guideline and sprinkle it on a tablespoon at a time just until your dough comes together. The pastry should still be shaggy but stay together when you press it. Let it rest in the fridge before you roll it out and you’ll be surprised at how much water the flour will continue to absorb.

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