Home remedies for thinning hair

Home remedies for thinning hair
For both men and women, hair is a strong part of a person’s identity. We style our hair, color it, add accessories, or let it go wild in order to convey a message about ourselves to the world. This is why hair loss, while often innocuous, can feel absolutely devastating. It doesn’t have to be. 
According to Mayo Clinic, hair loss is caused by the destruction of the hair follicle and its replacement with scar tissue.
The most common causes of hair loss are family history (thank bald uncle Bob for those genes!), hormonal changes (as in pregnancy and menopause), medical conditions like ringworm and lupus, and medications, such as those used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, and heart problems.
To prevent or treat hair loss, try these home remedies:

1. Olive oil, cinnamon, honey. Begin by warming olive oil in the microwave or on the stove. Mix in 1- 3 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Massage the warm home remedy into your scalp and let it sit for 15- 20 minutes before rinsing with a mild shampoo. Home Remedies For Life recommends repeating the treatment 2- 3 times weekly.please continue to Next Page (>)