Adrenal Fatigue 7 Signs – Anxiety, Joint Aches and Sleep Issues

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Adrenal fatigue is when the adrenal glands cannot manage stress and make you feel tired, dull, and more..
If you are not diagnosed, here are the signs to see.
If you surpass stage 4, this is hard to see unless with doctor. Make sure you avoid further problems.
Stress makes more cortisol levels and weak body so adrenals cannot cope. These are the signs:
1. Bad digestion
Stress makes bad digestion and stops nutrients so metabolism is worse too. You will have nausea, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, weight gain and such. Have a healthy diet, drink more water, have supplements and probiotics.
2. Insomnia
Right sleep hours are 8 per night with no pauses to recover better. This gives you freshness. Also never switch sleep for work to avoid imbalance and fatigue. Go to bed before 11 and stay like that in the dark even awake. Melatonin is released in darkness to sleep.
3. Depression and anxiety
Deadliness, rules, pressure make problems and mood changes, bad cognition and more. These issues link to stress and find way to relax more.
4. Pain and stiffness
When you are tired due to stress, you will feel stiff and aching in neck, jaw and back. Change sleep habits, do yoga and workouts too. Also have warm baths to remove inflammation since natural Mg soothes muscles and detoxes you.

5. Overwhelmed of life
Do not stress yourself too much. Always have time for yourself and work toward goals but not at health costs. Have good self care and take care of yourself.
6. Fatigue after workouts
Workouts give us energy but too much physical stress also makes fatigue and is bad. Do walks, yoga and light things. For weight loss 80% comes from diets.
7. Hormones
The thyroid is damaged in stage 2 adrenal fatigue so you might get hypothyroid or bad blood flow, weight gain, dry skin and hair and fatigue. When adrenals are imbalanced, hormones switch more to cortisol. More stress times make more PMS signs and even cycle loss. Eat healthy, have water, sleep, no coffee and have more herbs.
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