Because He Wasn’t Allowed To Take The Kitten On Train, This Beast Stomped It To Death

This man had a kitten that wasn’t allowed to get on the train with him – so he threw it to the ground and smashed its head into the ground and walked away. Decalos Edwards Johnson-Foston, 23, lives in Belleville, Illinois. Johnson-Foston left the station after killing the kitten and got on a bus. He was later arrested and taken to jail.

St. Clair County Sheriff Capt. Bruce Fleshren said that it is hard to comprehend senseless acts of violence like this. If you don’t want to take care of a pet – don’t get one. If you have a pet that you can no longer take care of find a shelter that is willing to take care of it for you.


Take a look at this beast

man stomped kitten to death
Image Credit: N/A

There are plenty of families willing to adopt pets. People who may have witnessed this incident are being asked to call 618.825.5204.

Share away, people.

[h/t Pet Rescue Report]

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