Boy Makes Flag For Class Assignment, Instantly Goes Viral With Troops Because Of One Special Thing

Indiana high school student Jacob Feazel decided to make an American Flag for his art assignment. Jacob’s unique take on creating an American Flag has gone viral, not only for its beauty but for the underlying meaning Jacob’s vision infused into the project.

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Jacob decided to make an American Flag completely out of tiny, toy soldiers. What a wonderful, patriotic image to think about an American Flag made up completely of soldiers. After all, it is soldiers who fought and died for our freedom to wave the American Flag. How inspired of Jacob to remind us of this.

The flag ended up being an 11-day family project. It required 4,466 toy army men and 20-30 cans of spray paint. The toy soldiers were affixed to a 4 X 6 piece of plywood.

Jacob’s Mom, Stacy Bishop-Feazel documented the entire process on her Facebook page, and the images have been shared more than more than 250,000 times.

When the giant flag was finished, it was loaded into the back of a pick-up truck and transported to Maconaquah High School in Bunker Hill, Indiana.

Jacob’s teachers were impressed. There were offers to purchase Jacob’s flag, but Jacob says he has no plans to sell it. What a fantastic project. What a great American family.

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