Christmas Has Never Tasted So Good. Take a Look at These Mains!

Beef Wellington

Christmas is a time for many amazing things: presents, decorations and, of course, food. A big meal turns into the highlight of the season for many who celebrate the holiday. Many staples of Christmas dinners exist, though the goose favored by the likes of Ebenezer Scrooge have fallen by the wayside. If you want to wow your friends and family, maybe you could change it up this Christmas.

One look at these recipes, and you’re going to want to try something new during yuletide. So many delicious main courses go beyond basic store-bought ham to make a holiday feast spectacular. Give one of these flavorful dishes a try.

Tomato Parmesan Pot Roast

Tomato Parmesan pot roast

Of course, you’re still going to want to have a big, hearty meat dish at the center of your Christmas dinner. Although pot roast is a bit old school, it has stood the test of time for a reason. With this recipe, you can spice things up by adding tomato and Parmesan flavors.

Beef Wellington

Beef Wellington Recipe

Few meat dishes are more iconic than beef Wellington, but the labor-intensive dish can seem daunting. A filet mignon wrapped in puff pastry seems like a lot to pull off. Instead of worrying, check out this recipe, and you’ll be the talk of the table.

Classic Roast Chicken in an Oven

Classic roast chicken in an oven

When you picture a giant holiday meal, a bird as the centerpiece typically comes to mind. This isn’t Thanksgiving, so you can skip the turkey. Instead, go with this simple, oven-roasted chicken recipe that will leave you with tender, delicious meat.

Brown Sugar and Garlic Pork Loin

Brown sugar and garlic pork loin

Just one look and you can almost taste the rich flavors of this tantalizing sauce. When you actually do take a bite, it’ll be even better. The recipe brings out the sweetness of brown sugar that pairs wonderfully with pork, not to mention the garlic flavor.

Roast Lamb

Roast lamb

You’re not going to roast a leg of lamb every week, but it’s an ideal dish for a special occasion. This recipe calls for infusing the meat with garlic, followed by cooking it in a tasty mix of red wine and chicken stock. One bite and you’ll see that the effort is abundantly worth it.

Slow Cooker Maple Glazed Ham

Slow cooker maple glazed ham

Ham is a perennial favorite for Christmas. Making a meal at the holidays can be hectic, so being able to prepare the main dish in a slow cooker brings a sense of relief because it will save you a ton of time and stress. It will also make the ham incredibly tender and flavorful.

The Very Best Prime Rib

The very best prime rib

When you have a cut of meat like prime rib, you don’t need much in the way of enhancements. Seriously, this recipe only calls for salt, pepper and garlic on top of the meat. If you cook it right — and we’re sure you will — that’s all you’ll need.

3 ingredient slow cooker pork chop

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