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This Is The Easiest Way To Clean Your Stove Burners

Stove burners and stove burner pans are some of the most vexing things to clean in any kitchen. They are prone to both food spills AND high heats, which results in baked-on messes that are seemingly impossible to remove.

Before I got a nice, new gas stove a couple of years ago, I had a clunky old electrical range that suffered from the same issues I mentioned above. I eventually just started buying cheap packs of replacement stove burner pans at Walmart, because I could not for the life of me find an effective way to clean them. But once I got a nice new gas range, I knew Iโ€™d have to figure out how to get those parts clean, since they arenโ€™t as easily replaceable as the burner pans had been. Thatโ€™s when I discovered the ammonia method that Iโ€™ll be showing you today!

Using this method, I am able to clean all the removable parts of my stove without any serious scrubbing. Itโ€™s super simple, and I use it a couple of times a year to keep my stove looking clean and sparkly! For those of you who havenโ€™t tried this method yet, you simply MUST. Period. One of the best tips Iโ€™ve ever come across on Pinterest, and thatโ€™s saying a LOT!

How To Clean Your Stove Burners

Youโ€™ll need:

  • Stove burner parts
  • Gallon-sized ziplock bags
  • Ammonia
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Pour a splash of ammonia into a ziplock bag. Then place one of your stove parts into the bag and seal it, and repeat until all the parts you want to clean are sealed up in bags. (You can put between a few parts in the same bag if thereโ€™s enough space.)

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Leave the bags on your countertop overnight.

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In the morning, pull the parts out of the bag and use a soapy sponge to wipe away the grease and grime.

If there are a few extra stubborn stubborn spots of grime, tackle them with a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and a little elbow grease. The baking soda/peroxide paste can also help polish the shinier parts and leave them looking sparkling clean.

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I think the before-and-after pictures speak for themselves!

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The only part that didnโ€™t come quite as clean as I would have liked was the burner base. But as you can see in the before photo, the part was a little rusty already, so I think that contributed to it not coming as clean as the other parts. Iโ€™ll have to use something a bit tougher on that piece, but otherwise everything looked marvelous!

I was highly skeptical of this method before I tried it, but Iโ€™m so glad I did! Now itโ€™s your turn! ๐Ÿ™‚
