These 4 Exercises Target Your Glutes and Help in Building and Lifting Your Butt!

Being physically inactive can lead to gluteal muscle mass loss or also known as gluteal atrophy.

These 4 Exercises Target Your Glutes and Help in Building and Lifting Your Butt
In fact, it is a huge mistake to ignore your gluteal muscles because they are responsible for supporting the spine, stabilizing the pelvis as well as strengthening the legs.

In short, exercises that individually engage the three gluteal muscles help build the glutes and improve the body posture, thus making you look good. Also, practicing these exercises can help in preventing various injuries.

Moreover, the exercises presented below are some of the most powerful exercises for building up the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.

Here Are the 4 Exercises that Target Your Glutes:
  1. Squat Pulse

First of all, stand up and place your legs at hip’s width apart. Next, turn your toes outward and place your arms straight out in front of your body.

Afterwards, you should squat down, while keeping your abs and glutes tight.

You should keep the knees in line with the toes as well as the back straight for optimal results.

Make sure you hold the position and lift and lower the butt slightly as if you are about to bounce.

Consider bouncing 15 times and then return to the original position.

Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Also, consider using dumbbells to intensify the stretch.

  1. Donkey Kicks

Get down on all fours at hip’s and shoulder’s width.

Lift the right heel towards to the ceiling, while keeping the glutes and abs tight. But, make sure the foot is directly above your butt.

In order to prevent any spinal injury, you should not raise the thigh higher than the torso.

Stay in this position and then slowly return the knee towards the floor without touching it.

Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg. Also, strap on ankle weights to intensify the exercise.

  1. Fire Hydrant

Also, get down on all fours, but open the right leg towards the side.

Afterwards, you should open the hips and keep the right thigh parallel to the ground.

You should not touch the knee to the floor while bringing it back to the original position.

Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.

  1. Lunges

Stand up and place your legs at hip’s width apart.

Next, it is advisable to step forward with the right leg.

Afterwards, you should bend the knee at a 90° and stay in this position for several seconds.

Return to the starting position and switch legs.

Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Consider using light dumbbells to intensify the exercise and build up your strength.
