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French-Inspired Poached Eggs


Here’s a ready-to-copy-paste recipe based on the unique method for poaching eggs described in the video transcript you uploaded:

French-Inspired Poached Eggs

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 7 minutes
  • Total Time: 12 minutes
  • Servings: 1


  • 1 large egg
  • Water for poaching
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Cooking oil (for greasing)


  • Fine sieve
  • Pan
  • Spoon (for securing the sieve)
  • Instructions:

1. Prepare the Pan: Fill a pan with enough water to submerge an egg. Place it over low heat until the water is hot but not boiling.

2. Sieve Setup: Secure a small, fine sieve in the pan using a spoon to lock it in place. Leave the sieve in the water for a few minutes to heat up thoroughly.

3. Egg Addition: Crack an egg into the sieve, letting it soak for two minutes.

4. Prevent Overflows: Meanwhile, lightly oil a paper towel and rub it around the edges of the pan to prevent the water from overflowing.

5. Cooking the Egg: After two minutes, remove the spoon that holds the sieve. Gently move the sieve to dip the egg slightly in the water, helping it start cooking. Place the sieve back in the pan and let the egg cook for an additional minute.

6. Adjusting Egg Doneness: For a softer yolk, keep the egg in the water for two more minutes. For a firmer yolk, extend the cooking time by four to five minutes until the white forms a protective film over the yolk and the yolk reaches your desired firmness.

7. Seasoning: Season the egg with salt and black pepper to taste.

8. Serving: Carefully remove the egg from the sieve and transfer it to a plate. Your perfectly poached egg is ready to enjoy!

Cookfosters 1

Chefโ€™s Note:

This method of poaching eggs, learned from a friend in France, ensures a gentle cooking process, giving you a perfectly poached egg every time. Try this technique and enjoy a taste of French cuisine right at your breakfast table!

  • Feel free to use this recipe directly or modify it according to your needs!

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