We are going to use the measure of a yogurt container (normally it has 125 g.)
1 measure of mild olive oil yogurt
1 measure of yogurt (in this case natural with sugar)
2 measures of white sugar yogurt
3 measures of wheat flour yogurt (or corn)
3 medium sized eggs
1 sachet of chemical yeast powder or baking powder (16 g.)
1 pinch of salt
a little butter and a pinch of flour, for the base of the sponge cake
Add the yogurt to a large bowl and wash the jar or container where the yogurt comes from.
Preheat the oven to 200ยบ C and spread the mold that we are going to use with butter, on the base and sides.
Sprinkle with a pinch of flour and shake off excess flour. We booked.
Beat the eggs with a whisk, when they begin to whiten, add a pinch of salt. We measure the sugar (remember, there are 2 cups) and we beat again, we already have the base ready.
We add in the bowl a measure of soft olive oil, the chemical yeast and measure the flour again with the glass (remember that there are 3 measures).
We put everything in the bowl and beat with some rods (you can use manual or electric, the ones you like the most).ย It should be a homogeneous and fine mass.
Source : Food .ma