No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake

No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake: A Refreshing Dessert You Can’t Resist

No Bake Lemon Eclair Cake

Welcome to the ultimate guide for making a deliciously refreshing No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake! If you’re a fan of sweet and tangy desserts that are easy to make, this recipe is perfect for you. This no-bake treat is ideal for summer gatherings, family dinners, or just a delightful dessert fix without the hassle of turning on the oven. Let’s dive into the details and discover why this lemon eclair cake should be your next dessert project.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake combines the creamy, zesty flavors of lemon pudding and Cool Whip with the satisfying crunch of graham crackers. The best part? It’s incredibly easy to make and requires no baking. Whether you’re an experienced cook or a novice in the kitchen, you’ll find this recipe straightforward and rewarding. Plus, it’s perfect for making ahead of time, so you can focus on enjoying your company instead of stressing about dessert.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Graham Crackers

Graham crackers form the base and layers of this cake, providing a perfect balance of crunch and softness once they absorb the pudding mixture. They are versatile and can be used in various no-bake desserts.

Instant Lemon Pudding

Instant lemon pudding is the star of this recipe, offering a burst of citrusy flavor that pairs beautifully with the creamy layers. It’s quick to prepare and provides a smooth texture that everyone will love.


Milk is used to prepare the pudding, ensuring it’s creamy and delicious. You can use any milk you prefer, whether it’s whole, skim, or a non-dairy alternative.

Cool Whip

Cool Whip adds a light, fluffy texture to the pudding, making each bite melt in your mouth. It’s a convenient and tasty addition to many no-bake desserts.

Lemon Frosting

Lemon frosting tops off the cake with a sweet and tangy finish. It’s easy to spread and adds a beautiful, glossy look to the final dessert.

Recipe Details

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes (no baking required)
Total Time: 15 minutes (plus chilling time)
Servings: 12 servings


  • 1 box graham crackers (14.4 oz)
  • 2 boxes instant lemon pudding (3.4 oz each)
  • 3½ cups milk
  • 1 container Cool Whip (8 oz), thawed
  • 1 can lemon frosting (16 oz)

Step-by-Step Directions

  1. Prepare the Pan: Start by preparing a 9×13-inch pan with cooking spray. This will ensure your cake doesn’t stick and is easy to serve.
  2. Layer Graham Crackers: Line the bottom of the pan with a single layer of graham crackers. Break the crackers as needed to fit the entire bottom.
  3. Mix the Pudding: In a large bowl, combine the instant lemon pudding mix with the milk. Use a hand mixer or whisk to beat the mixture for about 2 minutes until it thickens.
  4. Fold in Cool Whip: Gently fold the thawed Cool Whip into the pudding mixture until fully combined. This will make the pudding light and fluffy.
  5. Assemble the Cake: Spread half of the pudding mixture over the layer of graham crackers in the pan. Add another layer of graham crackers on top of the pudding. Then, spread the remaining pudding mixture over this layer of crackers. Finish with a final layer of graham crackers.
  6. Warm the Frosting: Remove the lid and foil from the can of lemon frosting. Microwave the frosting for about 30-40 seconds to soften it. Stir well, then pour and spread it evenly over the top layer of graham crackers.
  7. Chill the Cake: Cover the cake with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. This chilling time allows the flavors to meld together and the graham crackers to soften, creating a cake-like texture.
  8. Serve and Enjoy: Once chilled, slice the cake into squares and serve. Enjoy the creamy, tangy, and refreshing flavors of this No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake!

Tips for Success

  • Plan Ahead: This cake needs to chill for at least 12 hours, so it’s best to make it the night before you plan to serve it.
  • Use Fresh Lemons: For an extra burst of flavor, consider adding a bit of fresh lemon zest to the pudding mixture.
  • Customize the Layers: Feel free to add a layer of fresh berries between the pudding and graham crackers for an additional fruity twist.

Nutritional Information

Here’s a quick look at the nutritional breakdown per serving of this No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake:

  • Calories: 290
  • Total Fat: 11g
  • Saturated Fat: 6g
  • Cholesterol: 10mg
  • Sodium: 310mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 45g
  • Dietary Fiber: 1g
  • Sugars: 31g
  • Protein: 3g


Q: Can I use homemade whipped cream instead of Cool Whip? A: Yes, you can substitute homemade whipped cream for Cool Whip. Make sure it’s whipped to stiff peaks for the best consistency.

Q: Can I make this cake gluten-free? A: Absolutely! Use gluten-free graham crackers and ensure your other ingredients are gluten-free.

Q: How long does this cake keep in the refrigerator? A: This cake can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Cover it tightly with plastic wrap to keep it fresh.

Q: Can I freeze No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake? A: While it’s best enjoyed fresh, you can freeze this cake for up to a month. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil before freezing. Thaw in the refrigerator before serving.


No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake is a delightful and refreshing dessert that’s perfect for any occasion. Its tangy lemon flavor and creamy texture make it a hit with both kids and adults. Plus, the no-bake aspect means it’s incredibly easy to prepare, even on busy days. Give this recipe a try and watch it become a favorite in your household!

Ready to indulge in a slice of this zesty delight? Gather your ingredients and start making this delicious No-Bake Lemon Eclair Cake today!

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