If You Are Going On Vacation, Put a Quarter On a Cup of Ice. Here’s Why!

Applesauce and Yogurt

Applesauce and Yogurt

No spoon? No problem. The lids on applesauce and yogurt were designed to be used as a spoon.

Cup Plungers

Cup Plungers

Even though you, along with everybody else in the world, use the cup plunger for virtually everything, that’s not its original purpose. You’re supposed to use it on your sink.

Neck Bottles

Neck Bottles
Mountain/ \Ash

Those long beer bottle neck bottles are there for you to grab on instead of holding your beer by the body. Its long neck was created to eliminate body heat from trasnferring to the liquid inside.

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Gas or electric for cooking

What’s Better, Gas or Electric for Cooking? Here Are Some Things You Should Know

Stop buying garlic

Stop Buying Garlic. Here’s How to Grow an Endless Supply of Garlic Right at Home