The Consumption of This Artery-Cleansing Food Can Improve Your Heart Health and Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack!

The journal Atherosclerosis has recently published a study showing that pomegranate extract could prevent or reverse the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries triggered by fatty material buildup or also known as atherosclerosis.

the consumption of this artery cleansing food can improve your heart health and lower your risk of heart attack

This health issue is actually the primary pathology that has been connected to cardiac mortality. In addition, pomegranate has been found to boost blood flow in the cardiovascular system of heart sufferers, lower inflammation and high blood pressure. What’s more, this fruit has been also found to help lower excess triglycerides caused by consuming a diet rich in processed foods. So, by consuming pomegranates daily you can prevent heart attack and many other heart issues.

The Health Benefits of Pomegranates:
  1. The regular consumption of pomegranates can help you decrease your body fat. Specifically, the University of Edinburgh conducted a study suggesting that pomegranates help lower visceral fat, i.e., the most dangerous type of fat.
  2. The high level of antioxidants present in pomegranates helps prevent the development of heart disease.
  3. The fruit can also help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
  4. Pomegranates can also help decrease the plaque buildup in the arteries and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  5. The consumption of this fruit can also reduce inflammation due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Pomegranates are abundant in vitamin C that can help fight any type of infections.
  7. According to research, consuming pomegranates on a regular basis can help in cases of diabetes, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancer.
  8. Drinking pomegranate juice regularly can regenerate the liver.
  9. The antibacterial properties of pomegranates can help prevent dental plaque, thus improving dental health.
  10. The antioxidants and phytonutrients found in the fruit can also protect the DNA.
  11. Pediatric Research published a study confirming that the regular consumption of pomegranate juice during pregnancy can help protect the brains of newborns during traumatic births.
How to Choose the Best Pomegranates:

When buying pomegranates, you should choose the pomegranates that have large, firm and smooth skin. Additionally, make sure that the fruit has rich color. Also, it should not have any blemishes or cuts.

How to Store Them:

The fruit can be kept at cool and dry place for about a month. In case you store it in the refrigerator, then the fruit can last up to 2 months.

How to Prepare Them:

First of all, slice the fruit off the top and then score its skin in quarters. Next, open it up and place each quarter of it underwater. Then, consider using your fingers in order to ream the seeds from the inside. Afterwards, the seeds of the fruit will start sinking, whereas the white membrane floating. Finally, you should pour off the membranes.

It is recommended to consume the pomegranate seeds raw. You can add them in various desserts or salads.


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