Lazy Fudge Dessert Recipe

Lazy Fudge Dessert Recipe

If you’re looking for a quick and easy fudge dessert, here’s a simple “Lazy Fudge Dessert” recipe for you:


  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped nuts (optional)
  • 1 package (about 10-12 ounces) of your favorite cookies (e.g., graham crackers, digestive biscuits, or chocolate wafers)


  1. Prepare a Pan:
    • Line an 8×8-inch baking pan with parchment paper, leaving some overhang on the sides for easy removal.
  2. Crush the Cookies:
    • Crush the cookies into small pieces. You can do this by placing them in a plastic bag and using a rolling pin to crush them, or use a food processor for a quicker option.
  3. Melt the Chocolate:
    • In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine the chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, and butter. Stir constantly until the mixture is smooth and fully melted.
  4. Add Vanilla and Salt:
    • Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. Mix well.
  5. Add Nuts (Optional):
    • If you like nuts in your fudge, fold in the chopped nuts of your choice.
  6. Combine with Crushed Cookies:
    • Add the crushed cookies to the chocolate mixture and mix until well combined.
  7. Transfer to Pan:
    • Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking pan. Press it down evenly using a spatula or the back of a spoon.
  8. Chill:
    • Place the pan in the refrigerator and let it chill for at least 2-3 hours or until the fudge is set.
  9. Slice and Serve:
    • Once set, use the parchment paper overhang to lift the fudge out of the pan. Place it on a cutting board and slice into squares.
  10. Enjoy:
    • Serve and enjoy your quick and easy Lazy Fudge Dessert!

Source :

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